The World is Changing and so is the Label & Print Industry.

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What is this Blockchain and why Labels?

A Blockchain at its base is nothing more than a decentralized ledger. The interesting thing though is that small idea can lead to huge changes and distruptions in the world.

At Blockchain Labels, our goal is to take the concept of the Blockchain and exercise its ability to react quickly to changes and use it to revolutionize the label and printing industry. While this sounds farfetched, it is closer than you might expect.

Labels are the tiny consumable that has the ability to shut down a manufacturing plant or line. Imagine systems working together through a decentralized program that can react quickly to prevent these situations. A small program automatically notices the labels on an applying system are about to be changed again and this fires off a command that Blockchain Labels picks up and automatically fills an order to the plant.

This level of automation is ALREADY POSSIBLE and with the addition of blockchains make it decentralized and secure away from the common IT faults of current systems. If you are using EDI or the like, what happens when your VAN fails you? What if there is a system without that middle man costing you money and time? These are the changes the blockchain is going to force and we are at the forefront of the change.

If you are in the printing industry and share our passion for blockchain technology we would be happy to connect and share our ideas.

We new friends!